Entries by Center Street Dental

Is A Tooth Infection An Emergency?

Dental emergencies can be scary and painful. If you’re having a dental emergency, getting help from your dentist in Chardon, OH, is important as soon as possible. But is a tooth infection a dental emergency? Why or why not? Knowing the answers to these questions can help you decide if you need help from a dentist. […]

Am I A Good Candidate for All On 4 Implants?

If you’re missing several of your teeth or have many very unhealthy teeth that need to be extracted, then yourdentist in Chardon, OH, may recommend a prosthetic tooth option like all on 4 implants. This dental option offers convenience and excellent functionality and can be used to replace entire arches of teeth at a time. […]

What Are Implant-Supported Dentures?

If you’re missing several teeth, your dentist may suggest a type of dental prosthetic called “implant-supported dentures.” This type of denture can replace entire arches of teeth but has many advantages over traditional dentures. Yourdentist in Chardon, OH, could tell you what you need to know about implant-supported dentures and how they could make a […]

Want a Straighter Smile? What to Know About Invisalign Vs Braces

Straight teeth can help make your smile attractive and give you confidence in how you look. If your teeth aren’t quite straight, there are many tools you can use to correct this problem, including Invisalign. At Center Street Dental, we provide Invisalign services in Chardon, OH. Clear aligners are a relatively new tool in the world […]

5 Myths About Dental Implants

Dental implants are one of the most popular treatments for missing teeth. They’re permanent, realistic-looking, and highly durable. In fact, there are a few reasons not to get dental implants, assuming you are a good candidate for them. Yet, there are still several prevailing myths about dental implants that simply aren’t true. 1. People Will […]

What Can Dental Implants Do for Me?

Dental implants fill the spaces left behind by missing or extracted teeth, which essentially repairs your smile. But even better, they restore function, making it much easier to bite, tear, and chew your favorite foods. They help ensure you don’t suffer from bone loss, too, and may make speaking more clearly easier. If you’re intrigued […]