Want a Straighter Smile? What to Know About Invisalign Vs Braces

Straight teeth can help make your smile attractive and give you confidence in how you look. If your teeth aren’t quite straight, there are many tools you can use to correct this problem, including Invisalign.

At Center Street Dental, we provide Invisalign services in Chardon, OH. Clear aligners are a relatively new tool in the world of dentistry, so you may not know as much about clear aligners as you do about traditional braces. Here’s what you need to know.

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign is made of medical-grade, high molecular-weight thermoplastic polymers. Invisalign aligners fit over the teeth and use pressure to push the teeth into place. Invisalign aligners are nearly invisible, so they’re attractive as well as effective. Braces are different because they use wires and brackets to align the teeth. They’re very easy to see and can impact the way you look.

How Do Clear Aligners Work?

Your first set of Invisalign aligners will push the teeth toward the desired goal. Once this is done, you’ll get another set of aligners pushing the teeth closer to that goal. Your dental professional will continue to provide you with sets of Invisalign aligners until you’ve achieved your final goal of straight, well-aligned teeth. You may go through several sets of aligners before your teeth are as straight as you desire.

Am I a Good Candidate for Clear Aligners?

You may be a good candidate for clear aligners if your teeth are crowded, crooked or have difficulty chewing or talking. People with mild to moderate conditions are often good candidates for clear aligners, but you won’t know if this is a good option for you until you’ve visited a dentist in Chardon, OH.

If you aren’t a good candidate for aligners, you may need braces or another type of dental tool or procedure to help you achieve your teeth’s desired look and functionality. If you’d like to know if you’re a good candidate for clear aligners, call your Center Street Dental dentist to make an appointment.

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